International Art Exchange
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Follow the guidelines below to complete your OneWorld Classrooms K-12 International Art Exchange.
See below for additional Standard and Tailored/Interactive Exchange options. (Also: See our Tips for a Great Exchange and Collaboration Tools and Resources for Teachers in the right hand column.)
1. For each exchange, mail 25 pieces* of student-created artwork to:
OneWorld Classrooms
Phillips Academy
180 Main St.
Andover, MA 01810
IMPORTANT: You must mail your artwork SO WE RECEIVE IT BY:
APRIL 16, 2012
If we receive your artwork past the deadline, we will include you in next year's exchange.
OneWorld Classrooms will mail return artwork to you by:
MAY 4th, 2012
For each exchange, OneWorld Classrooms will mail you one package of 25 pieces of artwork created by students from around the world whose grade levels closely match yours. You will receive artwork by students from 6-12 countries (25 pieces).
*SEND A FEW EXTRAS If you can, we welcome you to send a few extra pieces of student artwork. We can only send you 25 pieces in return, but the extras you send will help us to match grade levels better and ensure a timely and quality exchange for all participants.
2. IMPORTANT: In the package of artwork you mail to us, include a mailing label with your return mailing address.
3. Send original student artwork that accurately reflects aspects of your students' lives/cultures. Please avoid repetition of subjects (houses, flags, etc.). Students may use any artistic media (paint, pastels, crayons, art photography, etc.). Students should produce colorful and artistic work (paintings, colored drawings, etc.). Be creative!
TIP: Encourage your students to do their very best work. Explain to them that their artwork will be displayed in another school and, as such, will be a window through which other students will learn about them and their culture. If you are a classroom teacher, consider involving your school's art teacher or an artist in residence. (We will send you artwork that generally matches the quality of the artwork you send us.)
4.Submit artwork on paper of the following sizes:
International size: A4, A3 or in-between
North American size: 8.5 x 11 inches, 11 x 17 inches or in-between
You may send larger pieces, but keep in mind that this will increase the postage.
You may optionally laminate your artwork or put each piece in plastic cover sheets. (The artwork you receive may or may not be laminated or in plastic sheets.)
5. For each piece of student artwork, include or attach personal information labels listing the student's name, age/grade, school, town/city, country, subject/description of the drawing/painting and any comments the student would like to add about his/her artwork or him/herself. If possible, please submit labels in English and the language of your students. If this is not possible, please submit labels in English.
6. If possible, include/attach a photo of each student to each piece of artwork. (This makes the exchange more powerful since students receiving the artwork can see the artists.) Write the student's name on the back of the photo. If you include/attach photos, we will send you mostly artwork with photos, if possible.
TIP: If possible, take photos of your students holding their artwork.
TIP: Do not glue photos/labels to the back of artwork. Since the school that receives your artwork will display it, please paperclip labels/photos to artwork or attach them to a separate paper and then paperclip the paper to the artwork.
Optionally, you may include/attach other materials or information that will help the students who receive your artwork to learn about your students' culture(s) or your world region. For example, you may attach student-drawn or printed maps, flags, symbols, etc. and/or student-written or printed text. If you do include other materials/information, we will try to send you artwork that also includes these (although we may not be able to in all cases).
7. Check all student work for appropriate content (for more on this, see our Terms of Use).
8. IMPORTANT: When mailing your artwork, please include a cover letter or note indicating the teacher's name, grade level, school, mailing address, city, state/province and country -- and any information that will help explain the artwork you are sending.
9. We will send you a confirmation notice by E-mail when we have received your artwork and mailed your return artwork. Please send us an E-mail when you receive your return artwork in the mail.
10. Upon, completion of your exchange, we will ask you to complete an evaluation form via Email. This will help us to improve the program in the future.
We will Email you information about how to access the password-protected Google Earth tours and PowerPoints.
- The Google Earth tours allow you and your students to visit all participating schools around the world, read letters from participating teachers, and see photos and scanned art from some of the schools.
- The Global Art PowerPoints feature student art from different world regions (in addition to that which you will receive via mail).
We will Email you regarding additional Tailored/Interactive Exchange benefits, as follows:
- Tailored Art Exchange - You Email us a list of 'where your students or their ancestors come from' and we will send you student art that comes from 4-8 of those countries/regions.
- Interactive Art Exchange - We match you with one of the global schools you receive art from for a Skype exchange (or an Email Q & A exchange if you prefer or if the partner school is not able to Skype).
- 'Where in the World?' Student Art Tracking - We track your students' art and send you a report listing the various schools and countries where it ends up displayed. (For each exchange, your students art will typically end up in 6-12 different schools in different countries.)
- Global Roots Curriculum - We send you a set of activities that you may use before, during and after the exchange to explore the cultural origins of your students,' their classmates and their global peers.
Use of Your Students' Artwork
In almost all cases, all of the artwork you send will be forwarded to other participating schools for display. OneWorld Classrooms may scan and display some student artwork on its Web site (on Web pages or PowerPoints, etc.) - or may occasionally retain one or more pieces from a given set of submitted artwork for OneWorld Classrooms' displays or events at schools and community arts centers in Massachusetts. See our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for more information. If you would prefer that your student artwork and any accompanying photos are not displayed on the Web site or at OneWorld Classrooms displays/events, please inform us using the Email address above.
Mini Arts Materials Grants
Participating schools outside the US are eligible to receive mini-grants of $50 or $100 to purchase art materials. Interested classes should submit a letter (written by students and/or a teacher or teachers) explaining how the school would benefit from and use the grant. Submit the letter WITH your artwork. Grantees will be selected based on need, receipt of the request letter and the quality of their effort to share authentic, colorful artwork that depicts aspects of the students' culture. A small number of schools will be selected to receive the grants. Grantees will be notified by Email and the grants will be wired to the coordinating teacher. (PLEASE NOTE: We awarded six grants in 2008/2009, eight in 2009/2010 AND eight in 2010/2011.)
Make a Difference Contributions
OneWorld Classrooms encourages participating US schools to sponsor the participation of a needy overseas school by making a $50 or $100 Make a Difference contribution. You may make a contribution when registering - or you may send a contribution any time to OneWorld Classrooms, Phillips Academy, 180 Main St., Andover, MA 01810, USA. Your gift will help us to involve more schools and offer more Mini Arts Materials Grants (see above).
Travel to the world region you are studying from right inside your own classroom, meet students who live there and learn about their languages and cultures. Visit OneWorld Classrooms' FREE Travel and Learn Online content at
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